Academia Mauricio Saravia

Fall 2023 Promo Video

We have volunteer openings for our 2023 Fall Session that starts on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Send us an email in the “Get Involved” section below.

Who is Mauricio Saravia?


Since the age of 5, Mauricio Saravia battled Mac Cune-Albright illness, a terminal syndrome better known as the "Lion's Face" Disease. In his subsequent years, he became an accomplished poet, musical composer, painter, and graphics artist.

When I came to know him, I was extremely impressed by his versatility and degree of mastery in each artistic field that he inhabited. Yet what astounded me even more, was the level of graciousness that I found in this gentle man's heart. Despite his disease's injustice and the economic hardships that entangled him and Marisa, his mother, Mauricio's spirit was always open to love and faith in God was born in his heart.

I feel a deep sweet sadness when I reflect upon my friend's departure from this world. Yet Mauricio's example inspires us! A heart strengthened by faith in God, love for fellow man, and an unwavering dedication to one's passion can overcome life's injustices and cruelties.

It is in this humble man's recognition that the Academia Mauricio Saravia took its name.  

Please take a look at the Online Bookclub review of The Magical Life of Mauricio Saravia, and then share this link with others to inspire people with the same or any medical condition to live life to the fullest!


AMS Mission Statement:

To H.E.A.L. a Child's Confidence by Supporting their Growth in: Health, Education, and the Arts with Love!

More About AMS

How Do We Serve? 

  • 24 weeks of out-of-school programs

  • A safe environment for children

  • Delicious and nutritious meals

  • Instruction for a variety of quality classes

  • Help with reading and homework

  • Physical fitness via group activities

  • Values of love, respect, & acceptance

What You Can Do

  • Give your Time by signing up for our newsletter then promote our cause to your philanthropic friends, church, and social networks.

  • Share your Talent by volunteering as a sports or art teacher, reading or homework tutor, or by joining our planning committee. These can all be done in just 1-2 hours per week.

  • Invest your Treasure by making a financial donation. A one-time gift of $20 will give a child 8 meals, a $50 gift will provide a child 24 meals! Make a secure online donation now at: (We need to create a link for this).

Academia Mauricio Saravia History

Our Beginning

In the Denver Westwood Neighborhood alone, there are 5,000 kids under 18 living in danger of poverty, drugs, and gangs. We dreamed of reaching and inspiring at-risk, inner-city kids to believe in their God-given talent so that they may contribute to society in their unique ways. Thus, on March 24, 2009, we started our first session with 33 children and four art classes. We hope to resource low-income, immigrant, and inner-city children and nourish their creative, intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth.

Our Mission

This after-school project targets 1st through 6th graders from the five elementary schools in and around the Denver CO Westwood Neighborhood. The Academia Mauricio Saravia grants students three learning components. We start with a 1-hour activity time (during which a nutritious snack is prepared and given to the children). A 30-minute reading component follows. We end with a 1-hour art/technology / or healthy living class. We also offer an optional 15-minute Scriptural devotion after the program ends. The school is currently conducting three 8-week sessions of classes (Winter, Summer, & Fall) for 24 weeks of an after-school program in the year. Classes are now held one day per week from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m., with art, dance, music, cooking, and multiple other choices. After each session, we hold an exhibition, where the parents can view what their children accomplished.

In 2020 we only held our Winter session due to Covid. However, since our beginning, our program has grown into an incubator that births indigenous leadership, stimulates family trust, and supplies at-risk children educational services. We may have cracked open a window of opportunity to impact future generations by:

• Creating partnerships with organizations like LiveWell Westwood, Metro State University, Colorado Christian University & Colorado Ballet

• Increasing our weekly attendance to 50 - 100 kids, depending upon the session

• Raising indigenous leadership from our neighborhood's youth and families

• Witnessing countless children grow in their confidence!


Get Involved

Teach a 1-hour class\week to kids for eight weeks. Serve on our Advisory Committee 8 hours\year & help design and promote our ministry initiatives. Experience the joy of serving others & one another!


Make a donation.

Find purpose in knowing that you are making a Kingdom investment, which is "Inspiring a Renaissance in the City!"


(We are a 501©3 non-profit organization. All donations are receipted and tax-deductible.)