Let’s serve together.

Interested in serving at our Latin American Fiesta Celebration on September 16, 2023? Come be an inner-city missionary for a day and share the love of Christ! Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

Mission Statement:

 To Grace the Body of Christ with Opportunities to Evangelize the Hurting via Compassion Ministries and to Love Them into the Church!

The Ministry Of JON


Who We Serve

We serve the Denver Westwood Neighborhood, sometimes referred to as the "forgotten city." According to the 2010 US Census, our community is:

  • A population of 15,486 residents

  • 80.7% Latino population

  • 5,683 children under the age of 18, with 31.5% of those children living in poverty

  • Earning $11,336.30 average annual wages (x) worker


How We Serve

 We minister to our Denver Westwood Neighborhood, by serving:

  • As a “Safe Haven” in times of gang violence

  • As a partner & host to inner-city missionaries                               

  • With community outreach events (Thanksgiving Banquets, Summer Fiestas, etc.)

  • With various classes and trainings (GED, English as a Second Language, Financial Basics, and other classes)


How You Can Serve

We invite the Body of Christ to join us in honoring the precious, intrinsic value of every person God brings to us by:

  • Embracing people in their brokenness,

  • Sharing the Gospel with them,

  • Loving them into the Christian Community and

  • Mentoring them to serve Christ and their community as transformed leaders!

What Sets Us Apart from other Ministries?

Our Indigenous Leadership Model

We believe in the God-given worth of every person we serve and meet. We strive to honor their intrinsic value by training them to serve Jesus Christ, the Church, and their community as indigenous leaders. The answer for people's problems lies within the seeking of God by those same people! When society offers nothing but closed doors, we open our doors to the opportunity to love and be loved by God and then serve His Church. The outcome is personal transformation. Many of our program leaders and volunteers live in our neighborhood and found Christ through our ministry. Our indigenous leadership model is an essential part of what makes us unique from many other urban and compassion ministry centers.

Jesus Of Nazareth Compassion History:


Our Mission

To Grace the Body of Christ with Opportunities to Evangelize the Hurting via Compassion Ministries and Love Them into the Church!

How We Started

John 1:1 In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

From the desire to reach broken people with the unbelievably good news of the Gospel, Jesus of Nazareth (JON) Compassion Ministries was born on August 24, 2008. Not since the Great Depression has there been a more challenging moment. Penniless and without a single donation for the first two months, this ministry would have perished if not for God's faithfulness. We consecrated this ministry to the glory of God on Saturday, November 1, 2008. Since then, blessings have poured forth.

Our Ministry Today

We are a Nazarene Compassion Ministry. We exist for the Body of Christ. We encourage all Christians to step out of their comfort zone and fulfill God's command to love others as themselves, especially children, single moms, immigrants, and all the poor.

We serve Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to God the Father except through Him (John 14:6).

Get Involved

Come and minister to the inner-city for a day. Bless our community with your expertise, service, and faith. Experience the joy of serving others & one another!


Become a Donor Partner

Find purpose in knowing that you are making a Kingdom investment, which is "Inspiring a Renaissance in the City!"


(We are a 501©3 non-profit organization. All donations are receipted and tax-deductible.)