About Grace & Life Church

Is Iglesia Gracia y Vida a Christian Church?

What is the Church of the Nazarene?

  • We belong to the Church of the Nazarene. Our denomination believes in Entire Sanctification as a foundational theological base. That is part of the Wesleyan doctrine that teaches that God can sanctify and transform the sinner. 

  • The Church of the Nazarene also emphasizes Christian education, women's leadership, solidarity with the poor, a lifestyle of holiness, and a global vision of missions. For more information, visit www.Nazarene.org

Yes, we are! We believe in:

  •  The divine inspiration of the Bible

  • One God, Three Persons: Father, Son & Holy Spirit

  • The Divinity of Christ

  • The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

  • Salvation by Grace and Faith

  • The Second Coming of the Lord

  • Sunday Morning Prayer at 12 noon

  • Sunday Worship Service at 12:30 pm

  • Men’s Ministry once per month

  • Women’s Ministry once per month

  • Prayer Vigil once per month

  • Weekly Youth Group

  • Weekly Children’s Ministry

  • Weekly Home Bible Study Groups

We are a Local Spanish Church that offers the following ministries:

Iglesia Gracia y Vida History


To make Christlike Disciples of the Nations.

Iglesia Gracia y Vida (Grace and Life Church) is a Spanish language community of Christians that belongs to the Church of the Nazarene. We commit to be disciples of Jesus and to invite others to be His disciples. Christian discipleship is a lifestyle. It is the process where God shows us how to live for Him in this world. 

We begin by learning how to live radiant lives full of the Holy Spirit, in obedience to the Word of God, in submission to the disciplines of faith, and buoyed up by the fellowship of the brethren. That results in the ongoing joy and freedom of the Christian experience.

How We Started

In 1926, members of the Church of the Nazarene established the Lowell Boulevard Church of the Nazarene in the Denver Westwood Neighborhood. In April of 1984, the church changed its name to Grace Church of the Nazarene. In 1994, Grace Church moved to its current location at 4201 W. Kentucky Ave. It existed for all those years as an English language church.  

 In 2002, Grace Church of the Nazarene called Rev. Scott Carranza to the pastorate. Before accepting this call, he was the Spanish Pastor of Ministerios Cristianos Vida Nueva (New Life Christian Ministries). His Spanish flock came with him to their new home. In 2009, the Spanish Church changed its name to Iglesia Gracia y Vida (Grace and Life Church) to identify with its new home while retaining a piece of its history.

 In 2013, Pastor Scott registered this name in English with the I.R.S. Iglesia Gracia y Vida is currently a D.B.A. of Grace and Life Church, even though now the church conducts only Spanish services. 


Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter and serve as a Prayer Warrior.  Commit one year of your life to worship with and serve our Spanish language church with your skills and abilities as a Spanish Community Missionary. Experience the joy of serving others & one another!

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Find purpose in knowing that you are making a Kingdom investment, which is

"Inspiring a Renaissance in the City!"


(We are a 501©3 non-profit organization. All donations are receipted and tax-deductible.)