A Good God 2023 Celebration!

2023 has been a striking year of God's faithfulness! Our Fundraiser Fiesta exceeded expectations, we finished remodeling and rented our second apartment, we finally installed a beautiful outdoor sign, we held joint services with our sister Spanish churches, we restarted the Academia Mauricio Saravia, our Latin American Independence Day Event was well attended and helped us raise more than $1,000, we replaced more than 300 interior fluorescent lamps and nine exit signs for free, and soon we shall have three new dual pump HVAC rooftop units valued at more than $82,000 installed on our roof and running! All these blessings are literal gifts from above. To God be the glory!

God has been faithful to our ministry and, indeed, also through our ministry. Would you join us in praising God by sharing how our ministry has impacted you or our community? Together, our testimonies will create a concerto of thanksgiving and adoration. Thank you for being a part of this move of God in the Denver inner-city!

Please consider making a year-end gift to help us with our Children and Youth Christmas Drive (we give every kid in our church a $25 gift) or prepare for our 2024 Winter Session of the Academia Mauricio Saravia. It's your choice! You may do so by clicking the link below.



God in the Fog #1