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DOORS OF HOPE 2024 Fundraiser Luncheon

  • Grace and Life Church 4201 W Kentucky Ave Denver United States (map)


You may purchase your $25 door ticket below or at

Table sponsorships for eight people are $400. If you sponsor a table, email me the name (family, church, company, etc.), logo, and/or photo you want placed on your table tent. My email is below. You may purchase your table sponsorship below or at

You may also write a check to Grace and Life Church. Mark in the subject line if it is a table sponsorship or the number of individual tickets you are purchasing. Send your check to:

Grace and Life Church, 4201 W Kentucky Ave, Denver, CO, 80219


We will have a live (and lively) paddle auction at this event. In conjunction, we will also host an online auction. The auction starts on April 1 and ends on April 20. You may visit the auction at If you have any items that you can donate to the auction please send a brief description, photo, and value amount of your item to Allie at

Please be my guest at our “DOORS OF HOPE” 2024 FUNDRAISER LUNCHEON! It will happen at Grace and Life Church on Saturday, April 20, from noon until 2 pm! Your support will help us go and share the Gospel, just as the Lord prayed.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Mt 9:36-38

Our ministry is strategically placed for such a time as this to make a Gospel difference. And God is opening doors! After the devastation of COVID, we are seeing a rise in the number of Sunday visitors. A partnership with a neighborhood non-profit provides free weekly seminars for the community at our facility. We are exploring the possibility of children and youth martial arts classes with the City Attorney’s Office. Finally, our Colorado Nazarene District awarded us a matching grant of up to $4,000 to create community events to reach the immigrant population.

Please come for a time of celebration, presentations, auctions, food, fun, and the opportunity to join us in God’s call to reach the Denver inner-city with the love of Jesus! God is opening doors of hope. Step in! You won’t regret partnering with us on this Kingdom adventure.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Rick Maes.

Rick Maes truly understands the value of education. The year that he was born, his father received a master’s degree in education from Adams State College. As a child, his father would take him to school, where he observed his father doing his job first as a teacher, then as principal, and finally as Superintendent of Schools for District R-1 in southern Colorado.  

He attended a college preparatory high school, “Holy Cross Abbey,” and learned the value of discipline in scholarship. Rick Maes graduated from Denver University thoroughly with a degree in art in 1974.

Upon graduating, he worked as an art teacher in San Luis, the Oldest Town in Colorado. He taught art for four years and thoroughly enjoyed his teaching experience.   Two of his students have become prominent artists here in Colorado. Huberto Maestas is recognized for his religious works, including the “Stations of the Cross.” Emilio Lobato won best of show at the Cherry Creek Art Festival for his striking work in printmaking.

Rick attended Law School at Denver University and has practiced law in the Denver Metro Area for forty years. He received great satisfaction from helping people who could not help themselves. He also served for several years as the President of the Denver Spanish Ministerial Alliance.

With this background, it is no surprise that Mr. Maes is passionate about encouraging young people to excel in their studies and strongly supports their educational opportunities.

October 27

2023 Academia Mauricio Saravia Fall Presentation